Bylaws 2016-11-11

The Nordic Association for Accelerator Engineers was founded in Tromsø 2003-05-24
The English edition was accepted at the Annual Member Meeting in Umeå 2011-09-21
The Simplified Bylaws was accepted at the Annual Member Meeting in Herlev 2016-11-11
The name was changed to Northern European Association for Accelerator Engineers 2016-11-11

Bylaws of the Northern European Association for Accelerator Engineers:

§1 Name
The association’s name is ”Northern European Association for Accelerator Engineers”, abbreviation NAAE.

§2 Seat
The registration office is in Sweden, the language is English and the currency is Euro.

§3 Type of Association
The association is a non profit association.

§4 Subscription Rights
1. The cashier elected by the Board is entitled to sign for the association.
2. In the event that cashier is prevented from performing his duties, such rights may be delegated to another person within the Board.

§5 Purpose
The association’s purpose is to represent and promote the accelerator engineer’s social and labor interests and development. Arranging conferences and study trips is an important part of this.

§6 Independence
The association is independent from political and trade union interests.

§7 Terms of membership
1. All types of membership must be approved by the Board or person delegated by the Board.
2. For those members who are not employed by a hospital, their company/organization should also be members.
3. Personal regular membership with voting rights can be given to those who perform service, repairs, QA, developments to or sell therapeutic radiotherapy equipments incl. associated equipments.
4. Members can keep their personal regular membership with voting rights after retirement.
5. Company membership without voting rights can be given to companies/organizations that provide service, repairs, QA, developments or sell therapeutic radiotherapy equipments incl. associated equipments.
6. Exceptions to the above limitations in this paragraph may be granted by the Board.

§8 Membership / voting rights
1. Personal regular membership fee is included in activities according to the specified rate on the association’s websites.
2. The right to vote is granted only personal regular members who have been involved in any of the association’s activities within the last five years.

§9 Operational and finance
1. The financial year runs from January 1th to December 31th.
2. The operational year runs between two Annual Member Meetings.

§10 The association’s decision making body
The association’s activities should be decided by the following agencies in the following order:
1. Annual Member Meeting (highest priority)
2. Extra Member Meeting
3. Board Meeting

§11 The Member Meeting
1. Notice of both the Annual and Extra Member Meetings must be announced at the association’s websites no later than two months in advance.
2. Motions for the Members Meetings should be sent to the Board or announced at the association’s websites no later than two weeks in advance.
3. The Member Meetings may, however, discuss suggestions arising under the meeting and let the Board make later decisions about this.
4. The following agenda should be held at a regular Annual Member Meeting:

  • Opening of the meeting
  • Determination of the meeting announcement
  • Adoption of the agenda
  • Election of chairman and secretary for the meeting
  • Election of ballot counting officer(s) as also adjust the protocol
  • Finance and Auditor’s report
  • Annual report
  • Adoption of the reports and granting freedom from liability for the Board
  • Activity plan and proposals from the Board
  • Received motions
  • Budget
  • Determination of the activity plan and budget
  • Other issues for discussion
  • Election of Auditors and Members of Board (and their durations)
  • Determination of the time and location of the next regular Annual Member Meeting
  • End of meeting

§12 Voting rules
1. Decisions in both a Member Meetings and Board Meetings require simple majority.
2. The Chairman has a casting vote.

§13 Composition of the Board and Auditors
1. Members of the Board (at least three recommended) and their durations are decided by the Annual Member Meeting.
2. The members of Board is recommended not work at the same hospital/organization.
3. There should be two auditors. The Auditors must hold no other directorships at the association.
4. Auditors and Board of Directors constitutes themselves.

§14 Dissolution of Association
1. At least a 75% majority is required at the Annual Member Meeting to dissolve the association.
2. If dissolution is decided, the remaining assets shall be used for purposes decided by the Annual Member Meeting.