Monday 11/9, Networking event, Pre-Conference Day 0:
15:00-22:00 Networking event – boat trip, national park and dinner
15:00 The boat departs from the pier next to the Conference Hotel Kalastajantorppa to Vallisaari National Park, an island close to central Helsinki
18:15 From Vallisaari we take another boat to the floating restaurant Meripaviljonki
19:00 Dinner at Meripaviljonki
21:30 Transportation back to the Conference Hotel Kalastajantorppa with bus
Tuesday 12/9 Main Conference, Day 1:
08:00 Registration at the Conference Hotel Kalastajantorppa
08:30 Welcome by NAAE & Helsinki University Hospital (HUS)
08:45 Presentations of Companies and their ”all day” Exhibition
09:30 Lecture: Know more and do less with MPC (TrueBeam and Ethos) – Richard Tiggelaar, Amsterdam University Medical Centre (UMC)
10:00 Coffee & Tea break
10:30 Lecture: BNCT – Physicist, HUS
11:15 Lecture: MRIdian – Physicist, HUS
12:00 Lunch buffet
13:15 Workshop: Technical Questions & Answers – Elekta and Varian
14:45 Coffee & Tea break / Mingle & Exhibition
15:45 Transportation to Helsinki University Hospital (HUS)
16:15 Study visit at HUS
18:45 Transportation back to the Conference Hotel
19:30-22:30 Conference Dinner
Wednesday 13/9 Main Conference, Day 2:
08:30 Lecture: Development of the MRI-Linac – Arian van Appeldoorn, Utrecht University Medical Centre (UMC)
09:15 Lecture: From the factory floor at Teledyne e2v – Pat Howland and Nikeel Patel, Teledyne Healthcare
09:30 Lecture: RF Chain system integration challenges and understanding the interaction of components – Pat Howland and Nikeel Patel, Teledyne Healthcare
10:00 Lecture: Early Experience with the new Varian HyperSight imaging solution – Ulf Bjelkengren, Herlev University Hospital
10:30 Coffee & Tea break
11:00 Lecture: Research Elekta & Varian MLC – Helsinki University Hospital (HUS)
11:30 Lecture: The Latest SGRT Innovations: Improving Accuracy and the Standard of Radiotherapy- Lorna Wood, Katja Lanu, VisionRT
12:00 Evaluation
12:15 Lunch buffet
13:30 NAAE Annual Member Meetings
14:30 Coffee & Tea break
15:00-18:00 Workshop & Education: Simac linear accelerator simulator – Linax (bring your own laptop)
19:00-21:30 Supper
21:30 End of Conference (see you next year)